If the financial world were an iceberg, the tip would be our day to day experience at the checkout, what we read in the business press, and what even our own government tells us. The bulk of the financial system, however, is largely hidden, tucked away in offshore bank accounts, secret agreements between top bankers and regulators, and in understandings within the social clubs of the elite. Tonight we have the privilege to be joined by one who has spent time in those circles, but unlike most of them, is willing to share some of the details of their inner-workings. Because of the complex nature of the topic, we take time to go into areas otherwise obscured by arcana, but only with the intent of revealing the who, why, and what the puppetmasters behind some of the bigger events in recent history - including the COVID crisis and subsequent lockdowns - are really planning for us.
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== References ==
- The House of Rothschild, Werker (1934)
- Christine Lagarde convicted - IMF head found guilty of criminal charges over massive government payout, Walker (2016) - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/christine-lagarde-convicted-imf-head-found-guilty-of-negligence-in-fraud-trial-a7484586.html
- Dealing with the next downturn - From unconventional monetary policy to unprecedented policy coordination, Bartsch et. al. (2019) - https://www.suerf.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/f_77ae1a5da3b68dc65a9d1648242a29a7_8209_suerf.pdf
- The City of London, Romanoff (2022) - https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/the-city-of-london/
- What Is The Fed Hiding? A Hidden Bailout Of The Banks?, Investment Research Dynamics (2021) - https://investmentresearchdynamics.com/financial-markets/what-is-the-fed-hiding-a-hidden-bailout-of-the-banks/
- There's an $80 trillion 'blind spot' in the financial system that could spell trouble for markets as debts held off-balance sheet grow at a rapid pace, Fox (2022) - https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencies/80-trillion-off-balance-sheet-debt-blind-spot-financial-system-2022-12
- These 4 Charts Show That Slowly But Surely, Startup Funding Deal Sizes Are Shrinking , Teare (2023) - https://news.crunchbase.com/venture/funding-rounds-average-mean-startups-charts/
- These Are the Bank Bailout Charts the Fed Hopes You’ll Never See in One Place, Martens (2023) - https://wallstreetonparade.com/2023/12/these-are-the-bank-bailout-charts-the-fed-hopes-youll-never-see-in-one-place/
- Banks based in the City of London - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Banks_based_in_the_City_of_London
- Friedrich List - National System of Political Economy, Myth of the 20th Century (2024) - https://myth20c.wordpress.com/2024/04/07/friedrich-list-national-system-of-political-economy/
- JP Morgan - https://www.chartgirl.com/jpmorgan/
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