What a fascinating topic and show. Please forebear me, because this will be a long comment. I commented on your Bitchute channel regarding the 2002/03 documentary 'The Net', about Ted Kaczynski. This dovetails perfectly with the overall theme of that film: Cybernetics, what was 'intended' and what we have now.......and that movie is over 20yrs old. Speaking of godless psychos, one of the people interviewed in that film is Stewart Brand, who apparently coined the term 'Personal Computer'. He is literally the subject of a documentary called 'We Are As Gods', quoting him from 1968: '"We are as gods and might as well get good at it". This is exactly what we are flirting with in the constant need to discover more and more in technology, and what Corey and Hans both argued so eloquently against.

You mentioned the book 'The Andromeda Strain', which I first read in high school and reread every few years. It was not until my most recent reading that a story told in the book jumped out at me. Starting at page 326, the discussion goes to an experimental cancer drug called Kalocin. The drug killed all pathogens, viruses, fungi, cancer, etc. without killing the host or attacking healthy tissue. It becomes greenlit for human trials and the subjects all start taking it and their cancer is eradicated. After the cure is confirmed, the patients are removed from the drug. Then, within 6hrs they are all dead....from opportunistic infections. The drug destroyed normal as well as abnormal bacteria, not differentiating between the two. It wrecked their immune systems and the bacteria, fungi and viruses which make it up. Read that part again. It is sobering, in light of this episode.

I have been a pharmacist since 1999, having started working in that business in 1992 as a technician. There were only a few oral Type II diabetic drugs on the market then, and insulin was limited to Novolin/Humulin N, R, and 70/30. In the early 2000s we saw more advanced longer and shorter acting insulins being marketed and within the past 10yrs, it has just exploded. They are very expensive, and there are more expensive insulins now than not. Back when I started, those old insulins were over the counter and could be purchased at the pharmacy for approximately $75/month in 2024 dollars. Now, you can not touch those newer one without a prescription and spending at least $500/month on the low end.

Now, back then, SSRIs were new and only a couple were around ('Prozac Nation' had just come out) and the majority of what I was dispensing had to do with blood pressure, heart disease, pain, cholesterol, etc. Now, everything is designer. The commercials give the patient something to ASK FOR from the doctor, rather than the doctor simply prescribe. The side effects are an important part of the topic you bring up today, because once drugs are released onto the market, it is after 3 phases of clinical trials, with Phase IV going on forever or until the drug is pulled off the market. Whether people know it or not, when they are taking a prescription drug, they are now part of a Phase IV post-clinical trial. If a patient reports a side effect to the doctor, the doctor is required (theoretically) to report that side effect to the FDA, so the package labeling (Package insert) can be updated. This is not even to discuss how SSRIs work and what the side effects actually are, since the drug is designed to affect emotions via chemical balances within the body.

My observations over the past 30ys:

Side effects are actually just 'effects', because in far too many cases that people even know about or question, the 'Mechanism of Action' for a certain drug is 'Unknown', as in they do not know how it produces the therapeutic effect. Take, for example, Acetaminophen (Tylenol), no one knows how it produces pain or fever relief. What is known, however, is that it is processed by the liver and can be toxic in doses of higher than 4000mg/day. One of the compounds our body makes called Glutathione is heavily used up in eliminating Acetaminophen. Glutathione is an antioxidant, tissue repairer and used in the immune system. among the things we know it does. If Glutathione is depleted by this over the counter medication, wouldn't that negatively affect other health outcomes?

Diabetes was never this bad when I first got into pharmacy. Hans is 100% correct in his observations about food and environmental factors contributing to Type II diabetes. Water, air and food quality has gotten worse even since the 1990s. Type I is a whole other issue that might be genetic. Type I diabetics will die without insulin. Type II, in its most simple explanation, is blood poisoning by crappy food. By the way, I am 54, in excellent health with no health issues, moderately fit and do not eat exclusively organic food, but do so when I can. Comparing my health to others in my age group, I am probably in the top 5%. I live in a rural area, am on well water (tested twice and is pure), and drink nothing but water and morning coffee, with an occasional whiskey or glass of wine. The amount of soda pop and sugar (or sugar-free) drinks consumed has exploded in my lifetime. Everyone I work with drinks that stuff, even in the mornings.

Cancer has gotten worse since the war on cancer was declared back in the early 1970s. No one asks why, only that 'a cure must be found'. What about preventing it? Why does everything need a cure? Your gene therapy example goes to previous points I made: Even if you came up with a gene therapy that turned off the 'cancer response', what would be the UNintended effects? Would it make things worse? The other thing no one discusses is the theory that cancer itself is addressed by the body's own immune system. If cancer is a metabolic process, wouldn't changing our body's internal environment bolster the body's response?

Lastly, our body is self healing and self regulating. I am going to Corey's Scriptural view here. If we are designed by a Creator God, would he not make our bodies capable of living on this planet? If our planet is now a wreck, God still gives us his green herbs as food. Gen 1:29 'And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.' (KJV). What if we turned back to Him and relied upon His infinite genius and creative wisdom to unlock the power of our immune systems and organs by turning AWAY from man's inventions......not as an Amish person.......but simply as a person living in this overly technological world and, to use a corny term, 'Eating simply, so we can simply live' and live healthy?

Anyway, great show. I enjoy Hans and Corey......and you of course, Adam.


Todd Campbell

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Very much appreciate the in-the-trenches accounts of the pharmaceutical complex. Pretty mind boggling how much money has been consumed treating sicker and sicker patients. It's a complex system, so I hesitate to blame anything in particular, but something is clearly wrong. And yes, there are mal-incentives to sell 'solutions' to remediate the sick rather than keeping the people from needing the medication in the first place.

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Fun discussion. Hans thank you for being the voice of reason on the issue of the long term negative effects of GMO crops, it’s disappointing that despite its importance the issue seems to be a fringe position for crunchy co-op wooks. I dream of a future where “the right” retakes positive environmentalism and not the fake and gay shit they peddle now. And THANK YOU for acknowledging the Pajeet Menace, i have zero moral qualms about cutting off all food supplies to the 3rd world and letting nature take its course, these hominids have proven themselves to be parasites and we should not allow or encourage their population growth.

And to Coreys position on putting Christian leaders into political power, I have two comments. First; the current flavor of Christianity in the West is completely false and objectively false (i.e. evangelicalism, dispensationalism, “we are all one race!”, “jews are the chosen people!”, etc). Until there is a significant reformation, putting a Chrisitian in power will in all likelihood be just as bad as what we have currently. And second; with it being plain as day that the jew controls our political system how do you imagine in a realistic scenario that they will allow a fractionally based Christian into power? Any chance of power being weilded by a genuine Christian is only going to be accomplished by the sword.

Looking forward to the next one!

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*completely pozzed and objectively false

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