
Add - Machiavelli was a DOER who wrote advice when he was out of office, also tortured, imprisoned… Machiavelli was an accomplished Diplomat, Statesman, Soldier.

Nietzsche was a scribbler , and to this day we’re not certain of what he even scribbled as opposed to his sister, etc. Forget all non-doers, all of them.

Take doers and did and done only. Talk can walk. The entire world babbles now -yes, including me; but I’m presently babysitting a 💩 Bridge where our parts been proven for 30 minutes today, and for weeks before. I’m waiting for the sub-continental geniuses to stare at the output like it’s the Monolith from 2001 (but White) and grow 2 standard deviations on the call.

We can dream.

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We homeschool our kids, and this is a constant point of struggle and contention in the household. I'm far more open to my children being friends with rougher kids, as they strike me as too "by the book" and lacking the sense of spontaneous adventure young boys have in favor of doing the safe but permissable route. It might strike many parents as strange I'm lamenting my kids not showing enough rebelliousness, but those rough kids can cultivate a virtue of heroism when directed the right way.

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To be as Crafty as a Serpent. But Innocent as Doves.

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Excellent, thank you.

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