The "aw, shucks" persona is one of the most insipid and evil personifications ever devised when used by a bad actor. It gives the feeling of high-trust rural life while he's stabbing you in the back, and then makes you feel bad to call his bad behavor out.

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Lefty Dubya.

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exactly how has he stabbed anyone in the back? You are just making stuff up. You have obviously prejudged a person you know. Nothing about. A kind, family man with a great reputation.

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Who ordered police to shoot paintballs at people standing on their porches. If it came down to you or his pension, he'd sign the execution warrant without even reading it. Kind, family man with a great reputation.

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Canned corn pone.

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I had to do it.

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Tell us what you really think lol.

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“Just look at that moldy sack of fart-vapor.”

So much… so much… just… Bravo! Bravo sir! 👏👏👏

If Walz was any kind of decent person, he’d get on his knees and thank you for honoring his life as a cheap, political prostitute with such poetry and eloquence. You’ve given him more perfectly chosen words than he deserves.

Thanks to this brilliant essay, I feel like I know… deeply know Tampon Tim as if he were a despised and estranged family member.

Thank you. 🙏

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You people are disgusting

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"a lard-filled scarecrow" Bien dit.

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For Timothy Walz has no morals, or sense of intellectual consistency, or even personal dignity which might interfere with standing as a personable front for a leftist revolution.

Nice sentence.

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Amazing article--blistering and informative.

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Detailed analysis on Walz. I’ve gotten the majority of my info upto him becoming Harris’ VP nomination through the fellas on Garage Logic. Just considering the damage and loss in 2020 with Walz delaying the NG is enough for me to label this idiot a deranged evil cretin. He seemed to almost enjoy the pain being inflicted on Minneapolis and his wife with the KSTP quote on “ smelling the fires so she could remember the event”? Maybe a bit of comeuppance for the white folk was behind their thinking and actions.

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That’s my governor! But considering how many kid “trans” scalps he has, this might be too kind.

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Brilliant writing.

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You have described Tim Walz as you would describe a familiar character reprising his singular role in the latest of a series of loathsome spectacles spanning the ages. There is something pathological and timeless about his incompleteness. His last name taunts me to supply at least another consonant (Waltz?) or a syllable or two (Walzenheimer?). His interviews and speeches wobble around a vortex of hidden half-formed thoughts. I wait in vain for some shard of insight, some unifying something...anything!, but the vaporous center cannot hold. Muppet-like, his wide mouth, cavernous and foul, is animated by the antithesis of any Oracle or deus ex

machina; maybe by the unseen hand of the Director from C.S. Lewis' /That Hideous Strength/? He waves and gesticulates with no conscious connection between his words and his antics, as if he is test-driving his skin suit...sometimes he smirks, leering out from between his jowls. Other times he squint-smiles like an oily little Jabba the Hutt, fresh from his engagement at Las Vegas Reptile World. Here he is, Tim the Moist, Tim the Nebulous, Tim the Oppressor.

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Maybe Jeff Childers should have saved “ oleaginous “ for him. It’s maybe a better fit. And “ that hideous strength”! Great read!

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Thank you for the C.S. Lewis affirmation. In 1977, I read That Hideous Strength as the last in the trilogy. It is amazingly prescient and insightful, and is in good company with Atlas Shrugged, Brave New World, 1984, and Fahrenheit 451. Great tribulation inspires greater hope!

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Tell me you wouldn’t want to live on Peralandra!

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Absolutely! I'm sure that C.S. Lewis was privy to some un-Earthly visions. No one will convince me that he didn't experience angels.

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I tried to follow you, only because your ability to thoughts to paper rival some great writers. Says I can’t follow you.

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Hello, Alan! I don't contribute anything to Substack, other than than a few comments. Thank you for your kind compliment...I'm a more accomplished reader than I am a writer!

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Aptly reported. I live in MN, 40 miles outside of the Twin Cities and he is absolutely reviled outside of our four large cities. He never left MSP during his '22 campaign for good reason.

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Walz, the flannel clad fraud, is the used car salesman that greets you like you’re a long lost friend then proceeds to sell you the biggest lemon on the lot. Except the lemon is not a car it’s a freedom crushing totalitarian police state. He’s a very, very dangerous man.

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So basically , he is Bidens’ Kamala Harris. I see a pattern developing.

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He looks like a union thug to me. He also sounds like a big-bellied, bar fly bully.

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