
I went to college and got a STEM degree. I tried working White collar. Everything mid level and up is immortal boomers or diversity hires with a chip on their shoulder. If you're not a brown/woman or do not have significant strategic networking you are going to have a very difficult time advancing. Also 98% of the work is fake & gay, meetings and stand ups and paper shuffling and nothing of consequence really happens. If you have the Faustian Spirit and spend your days surrounded by brown monkeys, female gossip, and your monthly Blackrock powerpoint training you are eventually going to go insane.

I rage quit and went to the trades, they also suck. The tropes about "dirty, stupid tradies" is sadly true, vast majority of your peers are content to poison themselves on gas station food and talk about niggerball all day. The silver lining is that if you do not fall into that category, you are essentially in the "elite tier" and can do very well. It should be noted that being "elite tier" does not guarantee success in any way, plenty of retards are millionaires simply through forward momentum and and massive demand for whatever service they offer.

Our current (((society))) is so divorced from natural law and unabashedly hostile towards Whites that we have to be brutally pragmatic about how we proceed. The existing structures of the white collar/liberal arts worlds are completely gate kept and pozzed, it would take at least 2 generations of dedication to make any kind of significant progress. Entrepreneurship increases your earning potential and thus your freedom/power, white simultaneously depriving (((the system))) of your value. We're already seeing the competency crisis, remove another 10-20% of the White male workforce and watch the devolution in real time.

So i guess my ultimate point is that white collar and blue collar both suck, starting your own business is the best option for your success and the detriment of the system that hates you. Successful self employment is much easier in the trades, however there are significant opportunities within the white collar world to provide services. The past ~5 years should have been instructive on the importance of self reliance, and the ability to tell ZOG to fuck itself when they say "get jabbed or lose your job". We all know Phase 2 is coming and many will have to choose between their comfy white collar WFH existence or whatever set of shiny satanic shackles is offered.

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you can once learning the trade learn more and get an engineering degree?

as far as starting your own business, yes.

But everyone is LLC these days... or you're not keeping up, citizen.

Most of your government are LLCs, via the spouse.

The Chinese Firewall is in the bedroom, or something...

But is listening to discussions of noggerball and junk food really WORSE than sitting through 4 years of Karen screeching in exchange for 40 years a Debt slave and about 4 days of actual learning?

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Can’t stand the corporate world. Practically everything about it. Would love to make a transition to the trades, even knowing all the negatives, but I’m the only breadwinner and now make too much to make the switch without impoverishing my family.

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It’s the starting pay that’s too low. But thanks for the heads up.

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deletedDec 26, 2023·edited Dec 26, 2023
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there's no AI for human decisions.

There isn't.

There's no 5-10 year window, either.

Defenestration only...

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Respectfully, I can never agree with long timelines. Not with this crew on the bridge of the USS America. They can’t foresee the immediate consequences of whatever fantasy they’ve cut and pasted from the movies, TV, fiction or video games. They certainly can’t have any plans for 5-10 years that are realistic.

They live in narratives. Their grifter handlers are cooing and nodding to glean the last coin they can steal from the realm.

Why do you think everyone is getting everything they want all at once? Wars? Munitions? A Free hand in Gaza? Gay uber alles? Ivy League degrees passed out in lieu of the customary fried chicken 🍗?

“Ivy League Honorarium” now on special at White Castle 🏰.

Meanwhile the Right got Dobbs (!) and if the GOP weren’t the real bottoms in the Senate they’d take more, the GOP got to save Israel...

..... this is a Fire Sale meets Chicago WALMART looting.


Because it IS going... they know it, they’re running or trying to die in office of extreme old age.

2030? May as well be 2300 AD.

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Autocomplete intelligence has one virtue in being so blatant. There is no worryin’ about Turin’. This won’t fall to 16th-degree philosophers of computer science because any slob on the street will be able to spot the autocompleted sorority spiel, by next year if not sooner

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The trade/college debate reveals how very South Asian we have become. Western whites are saturated with class prejudices and assumptions. Skilled trades are not for dumbies and graduates are not neo-Brahmins. The challenge at a macro level is to maintain cohesion, morale and opportunity on a sufficient scale to enable communities to firm, endure and flourish. On a micro level it is to ensure that young people have a sense of purpose, get the practical support they need and the encouragement to marry and start a family.

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In America This came from the Boston Brahmins, the Ivy League , the elites, or perhaps was approved by them for “meritocracy.”

Merit is who wins in the system, and lol it’s Karen and Crew.

Now in reality they did that kid a favor, so he doesn’t get to intern on the Titanic...

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Fred nails it, and the one thing whites who have the potential to become elite need to do is play fast and loose with official forms, then keep your mouth shut.

Everything is digital now, and people will believe the forms and official records before their lying eyes. Take advantage of it.

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I'm glad you're a volunteer firefighter.

This is risk of life and the real test.

The only test that matters now. We can't trust men who don't risk their lives.

The opioid and other problems are only more visible in the Rural town of 8000, they exist in the same percentages at least in the urban areas, just easier to hide.

The kid in the cornfield is headed for the Cornfield at Antietam creek whether he likes it or not, if he joins the service now he has the advantage of more training. It takes time.

At Antietam there were units from say Connecticut who were thrown in with 3 weeks of service time, anything under 3 months is frankly....murder. Bare minimum.

Mind you the Cornfield was the bloodiest point of the entire Civil War.

There's no government for you to rise up into. The government has left DC, they have been quietly walking away before they have to run, throughout the nation especially governments at all levels Boomers and the system were very thorough in ensuring no challengers and no possible successors.

Hence the Immortal Boomers ....no one to succeed them.

You're actually the succession at your town level - yes YOU the volunteer firefighter, and the local police, and perhaps some veterans when it goes and goes boom, collapse.

Sorry, it sucks. It will suck more. Embrace the Suck, there's no one but you brave ones left.

Sorry. Embrace Duty - and it sucks.

....but Karen and Claudine can't cut it....see? so it's YOU.

Firefighting is like learning - it's limitless.

PS - send the kid to the Water Department. You need it, everyone does...and it pays.

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A decent mafia in local government (by definition one that looks after its own community) is more useful than any number of graduates with a sentimental belief in trad-whatever. As for the Water Department...the saying goes, "where there is muck, there is brass".

The trouble is that too many people are still living in the past. The realities of post-prosperity have yet to truly sink in.

As for the future, it is up for grabs. Whoever shows up with a modicum of organisational capacity will do very nicely.

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It doesn’t have to be post prosperity, it’s going to be an adjustment from fantasy land to reality. The prosperity has already fled from the lower levels, we have far less to miss. We’re not whining about not “going out” or “nothing to eat” meaning restaurants are closed...

BTW my cousin a young guy works for the City at $65-70K a year with no debt. The main problem is the infrastructure especially water is at least 120 years old. This is also an opportunity. That it’s that old and still working should be inspiration not lament.

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I understand but the infrastructure story suggests great potential for future mischief. Maybe I am being cynical, but I fully expect that the engineers who will get to fix things will have studied in South Asia or Africa. It is painful enough to watch the Great Lakes and Midwest from afar, it must be heartbreaking to do so up close. The fragility of good order is very sobering.

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It requires will. Fortunately it returns.

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A situation that recalls the Stewart clan motto: virescit vulnere virtus...courage grows strong at a wound.

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It helps if it’s not your first punch in the face.

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And we should never forget that there is plenty of serious IQ amongst the non-elite. The most dangerous opponents of the regime will rise from this source.

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Do you really think people able to buy a new house and choosing to move to a town of 8000 people are going to be a problem? How are these not the type of people you'd want to have around?

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Let us examine the priorities herein: "Going into the trades is incredibly dumb and a disservice to this individual and society at large. " You will notice that society came vaguely and last.

If Case1460 gets beat by Karens and Noggers then he's failing the real test and not fit to be elite.

So - F this little ponce, he can make it on his own.

He already failed the real test: He may 1460, but he got no grift game.

Noggers and Karens grift better than him. So much for being smart.

The class of criminals not worthy of respect we call elites are better at Grift than Case 1460.

That college is a grift is admitted, but we're to support C1460 in his quest to achieve a more perfect grift and pursue his happiness? What's he going to do? Call the cops every time Karen or Claudine is mean to him? << which is what you want.

And it's INCREDIBLY DUMB to put this in eternal written form to tell all the world we exist to serve the interest of insect larvae who test well. Thank you, we have enough of such....and please don't think the rest of us are fooled by other men's children being bandied about as ...as what? Absolution?

Moral Human shields? An Excuse? WHY do I care? They're not mine.

I add he can defend himself, his unlikely and unfortunate issue, and feed etc himself ...as can you, who think 'society at large' exists to elevate you and your selfish, and INCREDIBLY DUMB to put this in writing for others to read it for all eternity.

In truth, he'd be better served by having a practical skill that *might* get him his status back.

Tell him to join the Marines. He can get his status back the real way, it worked for the noggers.

What do you people think Skull and Bones means anyway? The Ride at Disney?

The Anglos knew they were a race of Pirates. If they are giving it away to Shimon, Karen and Tyrone instead of C1460 .....then C1460 is UNFIT.

"Society at large' doesn't exist for the benefit of any one person or family, but thanks for the warning of what you are....very decent of you. Honesty is usually the best policy.

If C1460 gets beat by Karens and Noggers then he's failing the real test and not fit to be elite.

Happy New year.

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Terrible post and advice (and your "fantastic idea" is just pathetic). I'm IQ 140, BS in Civil Engineering (not a BA low IQ loser), college was a breeze for me, and I discuss here: https://rumble.com/v43n7si-fck-elite-colleges.html

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If you're still betting on the continuation of the American system, albeit with a whiter face, I have a bridge to sell you in Orania.

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Delusional article. There is no way someone “right wing” can make it through these institutions and become, say, a judge. We must create our own. Sadly, from scratch.

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One must ask is there a future in this system?

If not then count oneself fortunate. I

I say this is ending, and 1460 can forget smart, he’s lucky.

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