Elections are sliced, diced and analyzed by leadership at levels the layman cannot fathom. Precinct data is useful because it shows organizations who performed above or below expectations. Spotting future talent matters. Broad public surveys and private polling gives hints at what worked and what did not work. All signs public and undoubtedly private pointed to a perception of lawlessness as a weakness for Democrats. Early interviews showed Democrat leadership focused on messaging. Just two months after the election, Americans witnessed that the Democrats are not pivoting at all on issues of law and order.
President Biden made two moves that tipped society off to post-election Democrat behavior. The first was granting clemency to federal prisoners in home confinement due to covid procedures. Even if the criminals scammed cancer patients. The second was commuting the sentences of thirty seven federal prisoners on death row. These were moves pushed by the activist wing of the party that is pro-criminal. They loved them and want more. The media did their job to frame this as benign as possible. President Biden is of diminished capabilities so he is the vessel for whatever the team around him wants. They are not reacting to the election at all and avoiding bad optics. Nancy Pelosi herself said they needed to improve messaging, and what is this but sending a bad message? This is a sop to the activist wing as he forces all other Democrats to take a tough, unpopular position defending his move or criticize it and take heat from the far left.
This is not about principles. The justification for these acts are hoo-ha woowoo liberal principles. Somehow three death row inmates were not within principles. Two who committed mass killings out of hate and the Boston Bomber. This is a lie. Those three would be commutations that would incur the wrath of the far left. The team around Biden has principles but not when they violate who/whom principles. They care about optics but not to the broader public, only to their activist class. As the criticism of hate crime legislation always stated, does hate in relation to categories differ from a man hating a mother and child to rape and murder them? The left does place that motive above all others, which then confuses them when left wing voting blocs are charged with hate crimes or lynching laws more than other groups. Others care not. Murder is murder.
Appeasing all will never work but the brain trust that drew up this plan months ago could have amended it after November. A nuanced approach of felon by felon analysis is an easier sell. For thousands of home confinement felons, it would take work, but for the thirty seven death row inmates, it would have been a snap (none deserved commutation). The clemencies would have been limited, but Democrats would not be defending doctors who dilute cancer treatments. Granting line-item clemencies and no commutations for the death row inmates would thread the needle for the activist wing and normal people. Idealogues will not be satisfied until all criminals are released immediately, so give them a half a loaf as they are small in numbers. The rest of America might have found the move to please partisans as annoying, but not as unpalatable as the double whammy was to witness.
The back-to-back moves prove the activists are in control and that the “adults in the room” are hand in hand with them. It is the cherry on top of the Great Awokening takeover sundae. There is no going back either. During the 1992 presidential campaign, candidate Bill Clinton famously had a Sistah Souljah Moment where he openly criticized an anti-white message from his party. It might be hard to believe, but as recently as 1992 it was a fringe stance for any Democrat figure to call for blacks to kill whites publicly. It was a lay-up for him, but can anyone envision a Democrat doing that today? This is not possible in the 2020s.
No Democrat can survive repudiating the fringe anymore. The Texas Democrats kicked their chairman out for pointing out the obvious that support for extreme transgender policies crushed Democrats in Texas. Exit polls showed this as undeniable in pushing a segment of Hispanic voters into the MAGA coalition. Hinojosa spent over a decade building out get out the vote infrastructure to register young Hispanics, with approval for the pace of improvements in Texas from the national Democrat leadership. Trump took 55% of Hispanic Texans, setting back Democrat efforts by a decade in that pivotal electoral vote count state. Even the gains made against Sen. Cruz in 2018 were rolled back this cycle. The goal is to expand a coalition and win, and Hinojosa’s statements reflected reality. This was unacceptable. If a Hispanic with his finger on the pulse of his state cannot push back on one of the most damaging fringe policies, no one can. No one will be able to stand up and pull the brake on the progressive train. Like pausing the trans push, these unnecessary federal prisoner moves were easy moves to avoid in the wake of the election to signal that lessons were learned.
These are not small acts. These are mass clemencies that do not stand up to scrutiny and become soundbites in future political advertisements. Biden’s commutations apply pressure to left wing governors in states with the death penalty, which makes this an issue as the party looks for a new path forward. These acts point to Democrats charging forward as pro-crime. Soros DAs lost in LA and San Francisco. Democrats received feedback in November including from voters they used to think were forever theirs. They are not listening.
For the controlling radical Progressive wing of the Democrats, the arrow of time and arc of history propaganda they indoctrinate themselves with only allows one direction option, onward through the fog. The whole progressive ideology of pushing the fringe to the center and forcing the center to the fringe, has pulled the conservative movement kicking and screaming onto the demographic playing field traditionally held by Democrats for 100 years. It’s what the Republicans do with this middle class melting pot coalition that will determine success or failure for the MAGA movement as the pain point potential increases as Trump’s team begins to unwind the destructive effects of the last 4 years.
It is rather interesting who was left on the condemned list. Does anyone believe that Biden had a clue about,who's death warrants he was commuting? Partisan BS. What they really wanted was to make federal executions moot for a generation. It takes a least 20 years to move a case through appellate challenges. HENCE, no federal executions till 2045.