I've been interacting with SHTF'ers for almost 30 years now, mostly online going back to the UseNet days, but also occasionally in person when I meet a like-minded person who's actually willing to talk about such things.
I've had to explain to them multiple times that "the coming race war" is already here, and has been for a long time. They're not going to get to live out fantasies of sitting in a bunker shooting at n*ggers. Instead, their local school will be filled up with Chinese, Mexicans, and Somalians. Hell, the whole country is being filled up useless genetic material from overseas, and it's being done specifically as a weapon against heritage Americans. What are you gonna do about it, Cletus?
I've had to explain to them multiple times that there won't be a specific SHTF moment. Instead it will be a long slow boiling frog process. One day you wake up and look around, and the police don't even stop people for speeding anymore. It's complete lawlessness, and while regular White folks are paying taxes, paying higher insurance rates, and obeying the law, everybody else is just stealing anything that isn't bolted down.
We don't even have a border anymore.
This process will continue indefinitely. It's been going on since the 1960s, and it still has many more decades to play out. How many times have you read a history book and it said something like, "the x and y centuries were a period of warfare and turmoil....." Well, we have a lot of turmoil ourselves, and it only just started in 1914.
It will continue as long as we are plagued by democracy. Because no matter how bad things get, most people still think they can vote their way out of this. In 2 years I'll get to vote against this asshole! That will show him! Soon we can get rid of Obama and replace him with Mitt Romney! That will fix things!
Sorry, Cletus. Every day your kids or grandkids go to school and they learn all about Rosa Parks, Martin Lutha Kang, Jackie Robinson, and the Holocaust™ while the teacher tells them how evil their grandparents were. This is not a bunch of dumb ignorant liberals with their heads full of mush, but rather a deliberate policy designed specifically to achieve a specific outcome.
Now maybe we're lucky and there's a guy in prison somewhere writing a book called "My Story", a guy who is extremely charismatic and politically savvy, who is willing to risk everything to take over the country and set up a healthy and sane Nationalist system, but don't count on it.
Instead count on having to make major adjustments and sacrifices just to keep living life without being killed or sent to prison. You're not the first White people to live under a tyrannical government run by foreigners. Ask anybody from the Balkans about the 500 years of the Turkish Yoke.
"Democratic candidates find themselves grappling with how to address crime and public safety concerns while remaining faithful to the party's core principles."
I am unaware of any such "principles." Prior to 2009, the apparent objective was to secure elections, chiefly through the wholesale purchase of votes via public money and the assertion of control over public media.
Since at least 2009, when the most prominent elected members of that party -- followed by celebrity morons and numerous others since 2020 -- began to gratuitously insult more than half the American people with impunity and to their faces, the only objectives I am able to discern are the impoverishment and subjugation of the American people, by whatever means necessary.
Nothing was going to change until the mayors aunt was robbed. Then the unit I worked in was formed to counter the crime rate. We were successful and then disbanded.
I think "le black vote" is greatly (and deliberately) overblown. The vast majority of American negros are not sitting at home growing deeply concerned about a new piece of legislation reforming some niche of the justice system. They are primarily, as they have always been; bix nood fuck Whitey gibs me them shiny things oogabooga". Also factoring in we are now in the era of "the winner tallies the votes", there really is no compelling reason to do anything to appease the blacks, they are either too stupid and shortsighted to notice/care, and if they do become incensed and actually make it to the polls and cause some statistical anomaly, that can be corrected by a nice stack of mail in ballots hand delivered by LaQueefa.
The existing and growing insanity of the "justice" system is being driven as always, by the jew. The levels of chutzpah haven't yet reached the level where they can spin up Genrikh Yagoda 2.0 and carry out extermination under their own banner, so they use the blacks and browns to chip away at the end goal. It should come to no surprise to anyone reading this that literally every proponent and architect of the legal/political systems that have neutered the "justice" system are jews. Their ostensible concern for the poor downtrodden swarthoids is a convenient way to mask destruction of Whitey and having someone else do the hard work for them, how very kosher indeed.
The only greypill is that the negros and swarthoids are far less philo-semetic than previous generations (pajeets excluded), so it's looking like they imported their own destruction (loosely speaking). My takeaway would be that there is no longer any justice, the system is designed to ensnare you and let the savages go free, the cops are not on your side, plan accordingly.
I suspect the coming conflict will be blue cities resisting red states "law and order policies" and the red states resisting Washington's interference. There will also be some resistance from red counties in blue states, which we are already seeing with regard to gun control.
This is all absolute bullshit. 100% disconnected from reality lying agitprop sock puppet incitement propaganda. Jesus bruh, I hope you got a side gig because you’re really fucking shit at this
The police and the state aren’t the answer, nor elections.
Do your own dirty work is the answer, be a man.
Or suffer.
And don’t call anyone except your friends.
*I notice Libertarianism stops instantly when crime is involved.
Lol, bring the Iron Fist!
As DM has pointed out above, your problem oh law and order liberals and libertarians is upon smashing crime their unit was disbanded. They’re lucky to be alive and not jailed for civil rights abuses etc. So - since the authors here are usually salesmen or marketers; sell DM on returning to police work?
Sell a young man on why they should be police?
Or the military?
Go ahead.
You can start the “sale” by doing it yourself.
Lead by example. DIY.
Basic to humanity eternally:
Show me. Show us.
Or perish justly from the earth.
…or be ruled by niggers then, if too weak to defend yourselves.
I've been interacting with SHTF'ers for almost 30 years now, mostly online going back to the UseNet days, but also occasionally in person when I meet a like-minded person who's actually willing to talk about such things.
I've had to explain to them multiple times that "the coming race war" is already here, and has been for a long time. They're not going to get to live out fantasies of sitting in a bunker shooting at n*ggers. Instead, their local school will be filled up with Chinese, Mexicans, and Somalians. Hell, the whole country is being filled up useless genetic material from overseas, and it's being done specifically as a weapon against heritage Americans. What are you gonna do about it, Cletus?
I've had to explain to them multiple times that there won't be a specific SHTF moment. Instead it will be a long slow boiling frog process. One day you wake up and look around, and the police don't even stop people for speeding anymore. It's complete lawlessness, and while regular White folks are paying taxes, paying higher insurance rates, and obeying the law, everybody else is just stealing anything that isn't bolted down.
We don't even have a border anymore.
This process will continue indefinitely. It's been going on since the 1960s, and it still has many more decades to play out. How many times have you read a history book and it said something like, "the x and y centuries were a period of warfare and turmoil....." Well, we have a lot of turmoil ourselves, and it only just started in 1914.
It will continue as long as we are plagued by democracy. Because no matter how bad things get, most people still think they can vote their way out of this. In 2 years I'll get to vote against this asshole! That will show him! Soon we can get rid of Obama and replace him with Mitt Romney! That will fix things!
Sorry, Cletus. Every day your kids or grandkids go to school and they learn all about Rosa Parks, Martin Lutha Kang, Jackie Robinson, and the Holocaust™ while the teacher tells them how evil their grandparents were. This is not a bunch of dumb ignorant liberals with their heads full of mush, but rather a deliberate policy designed specifically to achieve a specific outcome.
Now maybe we're lucky and there's a guy in prison somewhere writing a book called "My Story", a guy who is extremely charismatic and politically savvy, who is willing to risk everything to take over the country and set up a healthy and sane Nationalist system, but don't count on it.
Instead count on having to make major adjustments and sacrifices just to keep living life without being killed or sent to prison. You're not the first White people to live under a tyrannical government run by foreigners. Ask anybody from the Balkans about the 500 years of the Turkish Yoke.
"Democratic candidates find themselves grappling with how to address crime and public safety concerns while remaining faithful to the party's core principles."
I am unaware of any such "principles." Prior to 2009, the apparent objective was to secure elections, chiefly through the wholesale purchase of votes via public money and the assertion of control over public media.
Since at least 2009, when the most prominent elected members of that party -- followed by celebrity morons and numerous others since 2020 -- began to gratuitously insult more than half the American people with impunity and to their faces, the only objectives I am able to discern are the impoverishment and subjugation of the American people, by whatever means necessary.
Nothing was going to change until the mayors aunt was robbed. Then the unit I worked in was formed to counter the crime rate. We were successful and then disbanded.
The Democratic leadership in the blue states will not change u til they become victims of violent crime.
I was a policeman and the casino city I worked in was just getting started. The robbery and burglary ratewS climbing
I think "le black vote" is greatly (and deliberately) overblown. The vast majority of American negros are not sitting at home growing deeply concerned about a new piece of legislation reforming some niche of the justice system. They are primarily, as they have always been; bix nood fuck Whitey gibs me them shiny things oogabooga". Also factoring in we are now in the era of "the winner tallies the votes", there really is no compelling reason to do anything to appease the blacks, they are either too stupid and shortsighted to notice/care, and if they do become incensed and actually make it to the polls and cause some statistical anomaly, that can be corrected by a nice stack of mail in ballots hand delivered by LaQueefa.
The existing and growing insanity of the "justice" system is being driven as always, by the jew. The levels of chutzpah haven't yet reached the level where they can spin up Genrikh Yagoda 2.0 and carry out extermination under their own banner, so they use the blacks and browns to chip away at the end goal. It should come to no surprise to anyone reading this that literally every proponent and architect of the legal/political systems that have neutered the "justice" system are jews. Their ostensible concern for the poor downtrodden swarthoids is a convenient way to mask destruction of Whitey and having someone else do the hard work for them, how very kosher indeed.
The only greypill is that the negros and swarthoids are far less philo-semetic than previous generations (pajeets excluded), so it's looking like they imported their own destruction (loosely speaking). My takeaway would be that there is no longer any justice, the system is designed to ensnare you and let the savages go free, the cops are not on your side, plan accordingly.
I suspect the coming conflict will be blue cities resisting red states "law and order policies" and the red states resisting Washington's interference. There will also be some resistance from red counties in blue states, which we are already seeing with regard to gun control.
This is all absolute bullshit. 100% disconnected from reality lying agitprop sock puppet incitement propaganda. Jesus bruh, I hope you got a side gig because you’re really fucking shit at this
The police and the state aren’t the answer, nor elections.
Do your own dirty work is the answer, be a man.
Or suffer.
And don’t call anyone except your friends.
*I notice Libertarianism stops instantly when crime is involved.
Lol, bring the Iron Fist!
As DM has pointed out above, your problem oh law and order liberals and libertarians is upon smashing crime their unit was disbanded. They’re lucky to be alive and not jailed for civil rights abuses etc. So - since the authors here are usually salesmen or marketers; sell DM on returning to police work?
Sell a young man on why they should be police?
Or the military?
Go ahead.
You can start the “sale” by doing it yourself.
Lead by example. DIY.
Basic to humanity eternally:
Show me. Show us.
Or perish justly from the earth.
…or be ruled by niggers then, if too weak to defend yourselves.
And stop complaining.
Rule or be ruled.
Come on start with you. I will be a better place if you were on the next journey…