It is sad on some level to see these arguments about how dumb someone is, a supreme court justice no less. But, what, to me, is so depressing about her and her ilk is the complete lack of connection to reality. I am continually amazed at how some can be gifted with intelligence to master arcane rules, and complex abstract systems, yet be so ignorant of what is evident to any person employing the five senses they have to the world around him or her.

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Of all the "Trump didn't dot an i" mountain of a mole hill hysterics we've been subjected to over the years, this is my favorite for some reason. I think it's because to the extent this chimp out is legitimate as opposed to coordinated, it shows how little the chattering classes think about basic things like what it means to be sovereign or even what it is to govern

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Interesting read. What better word is there than that the “muh-feee, dah-ling” put down of “ilk?”

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I didn't realize how dumb that woman was until the COVID cases were being argued back in 2021/22. We have to deal with another 10 to 20 years of her stupidity. That's if she does not die first, which would be terrible. Just awful.

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I add; the election is over.

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