All socialist societies come to the same end. They run out of other peoples money. Then their true nature is exposed. Private properties are seized, and the lawful owners are forcibly removed,arrested and executed. History repeats itself because people will not learn the past.

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They learn fine, it’s just they’re grasping and short sighted, also the women run the house in America. Let them defend their gains they grifted from us.

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NIMBY is great until all the other NIMBY places get filled up and yours is next. Useful idiots are happy until it’s their time kneeling in front of the ditch.

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That's why I keep calling this the first honest election campaign in my lifetime. It's literally a popularity contest: they've done away with the pretense of policies and positions

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The affluent and aspirant classes have swallowed the Blue Pill throughout the west. My uniformed theory is they fear alining with the deplorables and slipping a class. Listen closely to their contempt for the independent tradesman, small business owner, or farmer. The Working Class is too loud, too proud, too patriotic for the indoctrinated to rub shoulders with. And the fear of dropping a rung on the ladder is palatable. It’s a vote of socioeconomic class allegiance. No, policy doesn’t matter. Pride and fear do.

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