Normalization of deviance, this is term coined by sociologist Diane Vaughan as the main contributor to the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.

Vaughan defines the process where a clearly unsafe practice becomes considered normal if it does not immediately cause a catastrophe: "a long incubation period [before a final disaster] with early warning signs that were either misinterpreted, ignored or missed completely". Violent political rhetoric over the span of a decade ultimately normalized seeing your opponent as an existential threat, so any “sane” person would do whatever is necessary by any means necessary to eliminate this threat.

The only problem is sanity is a fungible commodity these days, it comes and goes with the ebb and flow of the 24 hour clickbait news cycle, and the dopamine rush each brings. The normalization of this leads to exactly what we are seeing unfolding this year.

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Charles Haywood said this on Twitter yesterday:

'Multiple attempts to assassinate Trump should surprise nobody. As the reality of Trump’s ascension comes into focus, the Left responds, and will always act, as it always does—with unlimited violence, until stopped by force.'

Some have suggested that this can go on for decades or more, implying that the decline is slow and grinding. If society were still structured normally, that might be compelling. It's not. We are at a point of geometric progression of violence and degeneracy heading straight up, and it ends when the use of extreme force is applied.

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Yes. To appeal to the Law is absurd, the enemy is the Law.

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DJT's golf outing g was a last minute decision. Someone from the inside leaked.

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Trump should talk non-stop about how they’re trying to kill and imprison him and anyone with any sense should realize something’s not right. He should hammer this point home in EVERY interview.

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Why? To reveal impotence further? He’s no coward, but

He doesn’t do violence.

He couldn’t say shoot.

He couldn’t say arrest.

That’s checkmate in zero moves.

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I agree with you that he should. The larger problem is that the media is content to not report on this at all. Half the country gets their news swill from the usual places. I checked Microsoft News and the headlines are as follows: Tito Jackson dead at 70, the best dressed stars of the emmys, the list of the emmys winners (8hrs ago), then before that the assassination attempt. Within 8hrs, the story is essentially gone.

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I always said this was Donald Clouseau vs Deep State Dreyfuss but this absurd.

This guy Trump can’t take a leak without carnage.


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The fact of the matter is that truly horrible violence needs to be visited upon many people on the left

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If the assassin was connected to Azov, then it was arguably a Neo- Nazi plot to whack Trump. How much play will that angle get in the news though?

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Since you want to be serious;

Trump is not a coward

But he can’t say


Even if it’s Shoot Back

No stomach for Blood

I sympathize but that’s part of the job.

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