Freeze bank accounts and release the funds when they leave the country.

I don't know what specifically goes on with migrants in the way of paperwork, but with legal immigrants there is a section on one of the forms where a citizen takes financial responsibility for the immigrant, including the govt potentially going after them for welfare costs. The whole ecosystem would be bankrupted overnight if that was applied to migrant groups.

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This recent video I made helps explain the why and who of the problem. It is a parody of The Beatles' "Revolution", titled "Immigration".



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Great write up Hank. I agree with your propsed plan and reasoning, the only (massive) elephant in the room being actually ‘making it happen’. Even if a president takes office who is willing to begin the necessary steps, the majority of blue states will just defy with impunity. As you mentioned, they already do it with firearms/etc, so unless there is a method in which to force them to bend the knee it will all be for naught.

I think Stasi’esque goon squads should do some routine forceful roundups, because seeing a bunch of seething beans get dragged out to the paddy wagon would be pure kino.

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Step 1, close the border, tighter than a nun’s grip on her rosary.

Step 2, require everyone who entered illegally to register. Allow one month. Anyone who has not registered after a month gets deported immediately, without exception upon discovery

Step 3, those remaining will never be allowed to gain citizenship and never allowed to vote

Step 4, allow work permits with the understanding that the employer retains pay to reimburse the government for all assistance received, including food stamps, EBT, hospital care, education, etc. The remainder after these debts to the government and all applicable taxes are paid will be turned over to the individual with the stipulation that no money can be sent out of the US.

Step 5, fine any employer who hires such an individual without verifying that person’s right to be in this country and to work such fines so as to ensure compliance. Any non-business entity such as homeowners will also be subject to these fines. Any individuals or other entities such as NGOs who encourage or assist illegals to break our laws will be charged with aiding and abetting crimes and punished accordingly.

Step 6, provide free transportation back to origin to any who choose to leave.

Draconian? Precisely! That’s the point.

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The globalists have been running U.S. Immigration for so long that many of the legal entries hate American, have no intention of assimilating, insist on bringing their foreign values to American shores and should never have been admitted. So deporting the simply illegal ones who scrambled across the Rio Grande isn't enough. We must extricate many legal entries as they are a detriment to the nation's well being.

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And the only prerequisite is removing Jewish power first. Which itself would require a massive change in character of the average white American.

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When do we get to the arrests of the NGO members and anyone else who facilitated this invasion ??,

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All good ideas for dealing with the largest mass movement of people in human history. I would point out, though, on the ability of our transportation system to handle deporting that many illegals: I recently looked up the annual passenger numbers for the US's top ten airports out of curiosity to answer this question. The largest number was LAX, which handled 45 million passengers in a recent year, and that's just one airport out of 10. We can do this. Not to mention that the price of a ticket to wherever is less than *one month* of tax money put on their free debit cards, $2,500 being the number I'm hearing - which I might point out is more than I get from Social Security after a lifetime of paying into it.

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Dear Mr. Oslo,

I applaud the intent.

I have questions....

...Darlink, we have to talk.

1. Who is your target audience?

There’s no one in DC who can or would do this, and why do they take the risk? Leads to...

(We must now mention that DC has quietly in small numbers deserted their posts, which is why you only see geriatrics and lunatics, eunuchs such as the GOP, or the most autistic vibrants this side of prison, or women... who are more useless in a struggle than any of the rest ).

2. Are you willing to do this personally? Lead the way?

If so do, you’ll find if you’re committed enough to defend the country by stopping at nothing, there’s no one really in your way..

because as noted above no one is at the office with any sanity.

There’s a reason the female deputy SECDEF was in Puerto Rico when it became public Austin was in the hospital... it’s called instincts, it’s called fear.

3. However if you’re not willing to do this personally why does anyone defend you? In case you haven’t noticed... the police have wisely and with perfect justice withdrawn their protection, I think you’ll find the military that actually fights has as well... as a Veteran soldier I must tell you we can’t defend you, as we can’t turn our backs on you.

4. The good news is America is too large, too remote from real enemies- unlike our abused neighbor Mexico, really sort of a Ukraine next door... and we have nukes... to fall. Otherwise we’d be dismembered by foreigners.

5. Men do not game Sir. They grasp the nettles or stay out of the bushes. Game is women.

The actual game is everyone in the Open Borders policy has a seat at the table and a snout in the trough, including the “cartels.” Those are partners, please stop calling them criminals.

6. We await leaders, a leader perhaps, but he’ll need men as followers. None of them will be elected, this isn’t possible. Certainly Trump doesn’t get it done. He didn’t, he can’t. Trump is PT Barnum playing Mr. Smith.

But above all; he isn’t scary.

7. To end on a positive note, from the American Anarchy-it has begun- leaders will rise.

It’s possible the winner has not yet begun to shave. Let us call Him the American Mao; the most fit warlord. As long as he’s American born and raised... all will be well. Mao himself you know started at... the local YMCA in China.

We’ll make it but not by games.

Game theory is lunacy, btw.

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The vast majority of them are legally here awaiting decision in the asylum process. Quit talking about things you know I’m not a fucking thing about the

Oh yeah one more thing, undocumented immigrants contribute 5 to 30 times to state and federal treasury than they ever received. The only thing they’re eligible for in terms of assistance is it emergency room healthcare.

In real life terms, undocumented migrants subsidize red fucking states. What a dumb fuck racist ignorant tool. You would just get poorer without them

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Replace the low tax brackets with a flat tax for the 99% and a Citizen Dividend.

Life in the US becomes much more expensive for non citizens.

And we bridge the welfare-to-work income gap as well. Those jobs “citizens won’t take” will get taken — by citizens.

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Delusional wall-effectiveness deniers - this situation, just like artificial scarcity, is manufactured and deliberate.

The thief comes but to kill, steal and destroy!

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