This is the most unrealistic proposal I have ever read. The author assigns skill, talent, and financial ability to make major property renovations to locals who typically have none of those things. Then have the government oversee it? This is simply delusional.

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So I am supposed to pay taxes for city folks to get their gimmedats via a lottery? When I wouldn't spend 5 minutes living in one?

Attacking the root of the problem may be more beneficial than gimmedats.

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i must’ve missed the clever social incentive or loop hole were the original demographic agents of urban blight are somehow excluded ? strictly local and on micro scale with right folk and municipalities within a larger metro area even rural or urban hubs with certain niches where this could work … cry havoc and Let loose the catamites to rehab crack house

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Yeah, because a nice White family will jump at the chance to raise their kids among hordes of feral savages. Sure.

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Couldn't we just try killing the homeless instead?

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The purpose of politics is to hurt people. Americans absolutely hate each other. If you can frame this policy in a way that it turns one group against another, you'll get more traction.

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Never underestimate how shitty or how petty your audience is. There's no demographic for nice solutions, people want to see their neighbors' blood running in the streets, and they want to take their stuff.

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Points for creativity

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But …. We are. I did. We are…

Let them die . The cities now full of enemies, genocidal enemies, and are pure parasites.

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Every state directive has to be implemented by local municipalities in some way at some point in the process, so not sure how you would get around the "corrupt local government" problem. City planning departments/commissions and councils will absolutely have their hands in any proposal like this

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To hell with cities. They are the breeding grounds of sheer idiocy that is the root cause of our social problems.

We should build new towns with 20,000 residents each instead.

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This is fantastical.

Utterly delusional, author sees the moment is upon us and dreams of a happy ending.

Harden your heart.

Let them die.

The old system is dying.


It lived badly too.

Let Cloward Piven come to fulfillment, the surprise twist ending being the revolution kills itself and its fetching vanguard.

Nothing better could happen in America than the extinction of the human, not urban blight that exists in colonies in the urban area.

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The problem is that this is not incompetence...this is deliberate. The next step is to bring in the National Guard. New York just did this for the subways. Chicago has ask already asked the Fed for help. It's just a matter of time before the citizenry asks too. " V for Vendetta" might have been just a movie. But it was clearly aware of what was coming.

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I wouldn’t count on the National Guard to do the dirty work, I was one for 17 of my 20+ army years.

Stand there? Sure.

Round up the dissidents?

Be the KGB?

Ah, no.

It’s more Theater, like TSA.

(We have a better record).

You’re looking at unraveling, not centralizing tyranny.

The system isn’t becoming Communist , it’s collapsing.

They were already Communist, now they’re dissolving.

For THE COLLAPSE ™️ fans congratulations, it’s here.

You’re looking at it.

Sorry if it’s a letdown, real life is like that…

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