Henry Kissinger - How did he do it? How did he outlast detractors, peers, millenials who saved champagne for him, war tribunals and the normal timeline for triple bypass patients? We will never know. What is amazing is that even at his advanced age he was sent to China this summer to patch things up. At 100, he was still an active piece in the great game. For all the Bourdain posting about Kissinger and Cambodia, please ask them at what point in time did Harvard and Chomsky stop defending Pol Pot’s regime? It was well after the horrors of the killing fields were known. Kissinger died at 100 a free man. Complicated win for a complicated life.
Guyana - Oh ho ho, Venezuela oil was needed by the Biden administration and maybe Team America looks the other way as Maduro gets frisky.
Real Estate - A frozen market only stays frozen so long. Prices have softened in many markets, but interest rates are still high.
US Steel - They are shutting down some of the last furnaces yet we were told that America was to be the arsenal for democracy.
You do not hate journalists enough.
Social clubs to make friends. We are a friendless society.
The way genocide is thrown around even with relish is rather troubling.
Disney is hurting and now opens the door to shareholder lawsuits.
no man with his life is a “winner” of anything.
Disney needs to be bought out by South Park.