Virginia Democrats - Odd cycle elections now favor them as the upper income voter bloc leans left now. They won a lot of toss up races.
Weed Aficionados - Ohio easily legalized weed sales. This is in a state trending redder.
Hamas - IDF going slow. Have the Israelis made progress in the last week? The narrative war continues with Palestinians winning.
Pro-Life hardliners - Sorry, you will have to compromise. We do not live in a pro-life nation.
GOP Inc - Virginia shows that they cannot run from MAGA. Floundering candidates at debates show that they want a return to 2014, but the base says no.
Ukrainian Regime - Money looks tight. Even if it comes, who will fight for them?
Catholic priests trending rightward. Boomer priest die off should make the hierarchy more hardline.
European cities drifting right due to environmental policies?
There is no “compromise” against satanic rituals, least of all the very first and worst one. Merely supporting it would Excommunicate you Latae Senitentiae all possible 10 times over; refusing to stand against it would trigger most of them as well.
Have gone from mildly anti-life to relatively anti-choice in my middle years, and never once did I imagine it was to save the little babies. Lifer please. Fundamentally it is another gibs for women. “We do not live in an anti-gib nation”