Did we even have to wait for results? It’s over GOP Never Trumpers. Rally around the man, and apologize to those you spit on for the last six months. We had a hilarious week.
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The Trump - Nevada was a done deal. If you listened in on the SCOTUS questioning about the Colorado ballot removal, it looks like SCOTUS is going to tell these bureaucrats to stop with the Reddit posting in real life. We suspect a 7-2 decision. Associate Justices Sotomayor and Jumanji will dissent.
Nevada Republicans - The comedy of the primary results was delicious. It was a non-binding primary; no delegates were going to be awarded. Trump was not on the ballot. Haley was. Enough Trump fans showed up to make sure that not only did Haley notch a fake win, she was embarrassed by the margin of defeat. Keep this up for November.
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Former Governor Haley - Nimrata had a plan. Fake the NH results as a win somehow with a compliant media (this worked after 3rd place in Iowa was somehow a strong showing). Show up on Saturday Night Live so Boomers and old Xers would see her in a different element. Get friendly conservative media to hint that she could win in the Nevada primary, which would confuse normies since Nevada has two events but only one matters. Then, “win” a primary that means nothing to gin up sizzle for a showdown in South Carolina. It did not go well. You cannot lose to “no one listed” and state you are a legitimate contender.
DeSantis Social Media Consultants - Ever since DeSantis dropped out, the little videos and tweets he has released have sounded good. Hopefully, he can go back to being a good governor and supportive capo for Trump. The next presidential election is four years away. People have come back from worse or more divisive primary seasons.
Ronna McDaniel - Travesty of a job the last few years. The RNC budget looked like a dril tweet. My party can’t win a close election, help me. “Buy fewer flowers.” NO!
I hope you get your Trump presidency, it's what you deserve. I'm so fucking sick of Americans.